So, who is Kathleen Colussy?
Story Teller - Artist - Professor - Traveler - Intercessor
Personal Mission Statement:
I am an engaging visual storyteller, as well as a creative experience specialist that uses art, travel and intercession to reveal the beauty of the Creator evident on the earth today!
Market Place Mission Statement:
To equip and empower entrepreneurs and designers to steward their time, talents, and creativity as godly cross-cultural ambassadors serving with integrity, and excellence, both locally & globally in the market place.
Available for:
Coaching &
International Small Group Travel Seminars
Popular Conference And Coaching Topics:
1) The new Renaissance is HERE! What's your role?
2) Interpreting the impact of zeitgeist has on your art -
3) Discovering the correlation between Faith, Art & Fashion
4 The ART of Intercession
5) Do you really know the full story behind Bezalel and art?
6) Secrets to unlocking Creativity - discovering your unique voice
7) Are YOU world wise?
8) Can we impact culture or nations with art?
9) Vision Casting for your art - including identifying your
hidden stumbling blocks
10) Discovering your true identity.
For more specific information to schedule
me to speak to your group or you can contact me &
also request information to discuss how to accompany me on my small
mentoring travel group experiences...
Contact me at: KColussy@gmail.com or ArtFashionTravel@gmail.com
Schedule filling fast...
“The purpose of art is washing the
dust of daily life off our souls.”
"Art is not to decorate the walls of an apartment, it is an act
of war."
Pablo Picasso